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6000 E Evans Ave Bldg 2 Ste 235 Denver, Colorado 80222

For more information   720.353.4048

Business Development Center


Career Preparation

Attend our Career Preparation Workshop as the first step on the path to employment.

Personalized Coaching

This stage includes resume preparation, interview prep, and referrals for additional services such as housing, food and more. 

Happy Plumbers

Job Placement

Get directly placed in a job with an employer who we will work collaboratively with for your stability and success.


Wrap Around Services

Tap in to additional resources like lawn care services, cleaning crew, driving school, career clothing closet and more! 

Sign up for transitional work!

CommunityWorks is committed to ensuring unemployed and underemployed individuals transitioning into a stable job are able to get all the support needed. This includes career, preparation, job placement and support with making every day life work.

Our @Work programs, including lawn care, are designed to help unemployed or underemployed individuals with transitional work. You can either get a half-service mow (front or back yard) for $40 or you can do a full service mow (front and back yard) for $60. 

Need clothes?
Check out our @Work Career Closet!

We provide job seekers with outfits for interviewing and on-the-job confidence. The @Work Career Closet is dedicated to CommunityWorks participants and those of referring agencies. The business clothes are from individual donors and clothing drives.

Lawn needs mowing? 
Tap into our @Work Lawn Care service!

Let's get you Back To Business.

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